The worms in children: symptoms, treatment and prevention

The risk of penetration of the worms in the body that has accompanied man from the earliest days of life. Adults, the elderly, adolescents, and children infected via hands, food and water. The problems of infestation by helminths easy to confuse with diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract. When the symptoms, not the child, it is important to do the test and see a doctor. How to view the worms in the child?

the worms in the body

From what appear to be worms in children

The eggs of worms by a group of worms enter in the body of a child through the water and the food. The main causes of the appearance of a worm – eating dirty fruit and vegetables. Dirty hands, neproverennye products, unclean water, flies – all of this is dangerous. Tapeworms within the infected meat, and nematodes are transmitted through the skin in case of contact with a surface (if walking on the ground). The use of such products within may occur enterobiasis (ossiuri size up to 2 cm). Nematodes are transmitted through animals.

How dangerous is it

Helminths children are dangerous because they deprive the body of nutrients. The worms feed on useful elements and produce waste, that have toxic effects: this can lead to the development of allergic reactions. How dangerous is the worms on the tissues of the internal organs? If the parasites in the children fixed on the fabric, then he violated the integrity of the walls, which can cause bleeding, various diseases (intestinal obstruction), health deterioration (a common disease ARI, ARI). A threat to the life, representing the helminths in the lungs.

Types of worms in children

In the body of children can end up parasites such as small and large. The incubation period helminthiasis can vary from 1 to 1.5 months. It is very important to correctly identify the type of worms, because from this will depend on what kind of medicine to take. Common varieties of worms in children:

  • tapeworms: cestody, dwarf tapeworm, the tapeworm echinococcus;
  • annelids: Annelids;
  • nematodes: trichinella, ossiuri, tricocefalo, nematodes, roundworms;
  • koljuchegolovye worms: skrebni;
  • flatworms: flukes, flukes.

How to know if your child has worms

Many parents are interested to find out how the worms. Laboratory diagnosis helps to recognize the disease and is a reliable way to determine if helminthiasis. In case of timely detection of infestations immediately the prescribed course of drug therapy, which helps to protect the child from any unpleasant consequences. In some cases, to diagnose the disease can be visually: calais, calais will be found the worms. With the defeat of the body, helminthiasis can cause the following symptoms:

  • increase in the frequency of headaches or dizziness;
  • scrape teeth during sleep (bruxism);
  • tiredness;
  • digestive disorders (constipation or diarrhea);
  • excessive increased appetite or its total absence;
  • pain in the area of the navel or across the abdomen.
the causes of worms

The analysis of the blood

For the prevention takes place every year, the analysis for the worms in children, especially if the child walks in the garden or school. The main advantage of the immunoassay of blood for the eggs of the worms – identification of helminths in an early stage. During the course of the ELISA need to not eat and not drink for about 8 hours, it is allowed to use the water in a small amount. Early in the morning on an empty stomach was taken blood from a vein. The doctors are looking for the presence of antibodies to the parasites. Antibodies, proteins, immunoglobulins, which is produced when the body of parasites. The detection of protein in the results of the analysis tell you about the disease.

They can be the worms in a child

The parasites can appear and children years. Contract could, during birth, or, as older children, through the contact route of infection (hands). The situation is complicated by the fact that infants do not have a strong immunity. Their body is not able to bear the load of work in the form of parasites and exhausted in two times stronger than an adult. The worms in the newborn infant (8-12 months) may occur during bottle-feeding. The doctors argue that the best prevention from infection – breastfeeding and breast milk.

Signs of worms in children

Each type of helminth is characterized by its typical signs, but it is possible to highlight the common symptoms of worms in children, including the following: anxiety, irritability, paleness and dryness of the skin. The child begins to act, he there are circles under the eyes. Noticing them, the parents should consult a doctor, before it is too late. Among the signs of helminthiasis are:

  • the lack of weight;
  • in the area of the anus a redness;
  • the increase of the temperature;
  • dry cough, coughs and colds no;
  • stomach pain, head.

The first signs of

Reveal parasitic infection is not only. The child's parents should be alerted to a change in behaviour: he seems restless and nervous, there can be a weakness, manifest in eruptions of the skin, reducing the immunity, worsens appetite or greatly increased. Manifestations of helminthiasis are a violation of the chair, that manifests diarrhea, then constipation. Other signs of worms of the child:

  • sudden nausea;
  • increased salivation during sleep;
  • attacks of pain in the abdominal area of uncertain location;
  • in the area of the anus begins to itch (ossiuri);
  • fatigue;
  • a bad dream.

The temperature

The increase of the temperature with the worms in children is not the primary symptom of infestation, but is considered to be an accompanying symptom. Because the temperature increases? If the body is present ascaridiosi (infection parasites round worm), then the eggs are observed in organs and tissues. A huge number of them is the cause of inflammatory processes, in which occurs the fever. The increase of the temperature with round worms, explain muscle pain and swelling of the face. Temperature worms up of low-grade, that is, to 37-37,2°C.


Infestations elmintiche in children it can cause vomiting, foaming mass of white color. The process develops gradually. The initial phase of the disease lasts for 3 weeks. Then appears a dry cough, and skin rashes similar to hives. Occurs vomiting when the worms of the child, along with other unpleasant symptoms: abundant secretion of saliva, anxiety, and nausea. At the first appearance of vomiting white foam is to analyse the faeces for the detection of traces of parasitic eggs.

the symptoms of worms


For many diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract averages the same symptoms as and when infestation by helminths. The patient may be constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Parasites annoyingly they act on the intestinal mucosa, the inflammation and diarrhea when worms of the child. A reliable indicator of the worms is a constant feeling of hunger. The first thing to do in this symptom, is to test the area of the intestine. When helminthiasis palpation causes pain, it is possible to identify the worms.

The treatment of worms in children

When the signs have to lead the child to a doctor. Pediatrician pre-review, will issue the direction for the analysis, appoint a treatment regimen on the basis of anamnesis, age, weight, level of infection. There are many remedies established in the body of parasites. The treatment of worms in children can occur medicines and traditional methods.

The schema

Opposite to a standard regimen of treatment it is necessary to carry out the preparatory measures. For this reason, the pediatrician prescribes vegetable oils and harmless sorbenti. With their help, the body is cleansed from the infectious waste products, worms and toxins. The duration of the preparatory phase is five to seven days, after which together with the faeces released parasites worms. Who is waiting for therapy against parasitic worms drugs capable of curing the disease. How to fight parasitic worms in 3 phases:

  1. The preparation process consists of taking 1 teaspoon before meals, and flax seed oil three times a day, and absorbing 1 tablet after meals.
  2. Then there are the pills for worms for children, prescribed by a doctor.
  3. After the fight enter the liver protectors to keep the liver.

Drugs against worms for children

How to check and see worms of the child? You need to contact your pediatrician, who will help you choose effective drugs. Common drugs against worms for children to have paralytic action on the muscles, parasites, which leads to their destruction, and have a broad spectrum of action.

Folk remedies

Wide popularity of the people methods of treatment due to non-destructive, and mild action on the human body, unlike drugs. During the exile of helminths need to be sure that a person is allergic to the grass or of the individual intolerance of the makeup, otherwise, the treatment may cause damage. That give to the child of worms and how to send them away? Phyto-therapeutic treatment of worms in children the traditional methods are held with the participation of infusions and decoctions of the following plants:

  • tanacetum;
  • garlic;
  • dandelion root;
  • red clover;
  • yarrow;
  • thyme;
  • the root of the calamus;
  • absinthe.


Treatment with medications necessarily need to combine it with the diet, when worms in children, designed for the most rapid conclusion to parasitic worms. Medicine the diet of children with worms is different from an adult, in most yogurts containing fruit pieces and berries. Hello, to eliminate from the diet all harmful products, soft drinks, desserts. Examples of diet against worms:

  1. Get rid of worms tape (tapeworm wide, beef or pork tapeworm) will help the daily consumption of pumpkin seeds for 7 days fasting.
  2. The liver parasite cleanse diet with the use of rice broth, flour or corn porridge, pumpkin, berries, vegetables, fruit.
  3. Remove manifestations of helminthiasis in the blood help the walnuts, black bread (the crust), and algae.

Prevention helminths in children

prevention of worms

Primary prevention of parasitic infestations is to observe the correct hygiene measures personal. Not all adults can look after themselves, and what of the children? It is the duty of parents to teach and to get the little man to the security staff, which serves in prevention programs not only by the worms. To reduce the risk of infections parasitic worms need:

  • before eating, hand wash;
  • washed with boiling water or simply washing dishes served at the table of fruit, vegetables, citrus fruits, berries, herbs;
  • drink only boiled, mineral or purified water, not raw;
  • there are quality products;
  • to defend themselves from insects;
  • do not bathe in unfamiliar places, especially in the summer time.